Eddy covariance stations

The second component combines sensors which determine the energy flows at the land surface and state parameters of soils and vegetation. The Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation and the Institute for Physics and Meteorology at the University of Hohenheim are currently operating a total of seven eddy covariance (EC) stations at different locations in Baden-Württemberg, two of which are permanently installed in LAFO with a further 3-5 being used from time to time in measurement campaigns.
The stations are equipped with infrared sensors, sonic anemometers, radiation sensors, temperature/humidity sensors, and tipping bucket rain gauges. The soil heat flux is recorded with the aid of three soil heat flux plates in each case. Furthermore, each station records the soil water content, the matrix, and the soil temperature at five depths. The measurement data are transmitted via radio transmission and telemetry to a host server.
The Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation also operate the WatTSeN, our Water and Temperature Sensor Network to measure water content and temperature in the top soil with precipitation.