Objective of LAFO
Scientific objective
LAFO aims to investigate land-atmosphere feedback - with a novel synergy of energy balance/eddy covariance stations, vegetation measurements, and scanning lidar systems. The measurement data are comprehensive, highly resolved and very precise, so that new parameterizations of land-atmosphere exchange processes between soil/vegetation and the lower troposphere for model systems can be developed, implemented, and tested.
LAFO has three scientific sub-objectives:
- Determine the water and energy balances, and the land-atmosphere feedback as a function of the conditions of the soil, vegetation, and atmosphere in a study region with an agricultural landscape.
- Investigate the heterogeneity of the fluxes at the land surface and in the boundary layer.
- Develop new parameterizations of the fluxes at the land surface taking into account the vegetation dynamics and the turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer.